The Choo Yilin Jade Kit:The Four Quality Factors


To better understand the rationale for each of the questions and answers outlined in our Cheat Sheet to Buying Jade (Part One of the Choo Yilin Jade Kit), we’ve prepared Part Two:

The In-depth Analysis.

Finally, what also influences the cost of the jade bangle is the amount of resources that goes into ensuring that the jade bangle is truly Type A. One of the biggest issues in the jade industry today are sellers misrepresenting their product(s).

There is approximately less than 5% of today’s jade in the world that is truly Type A. Yet, the amount of jade that’s being sold as Type A in the market is significantly more. At Choo Yilin, we conduct the necessary audits to ensure that each jade piece procured is truly Type A.


Choo Yilin